Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Some people like to high five, others like to fist bump, I for one like to do what I call, sprinkles. Sprinkles is a hand motion that looks a little something like this:

To reciprocate this hand motion, you merely do this:

This can be done with someone who is right next to you, across the room, or even in a group all while not even having to touch the other person. It's perfect for flu season, trust me. I started using this in my senior year of high school, after seeing the movie Do The Right Thing but, I didn't start doing it heavily until I came to ONU. The initial response I got from it was positive, everyone was willing to do it and is always more than prepared to either initiate it or to do it back.

There is no cooler feeling in the world than to be walking down the street and the car driving by has their hand out of the window giving me the sprinkles. This took off more than I thought it actually would. I see people give the sprinkles to each other when I'm not around, which makes me so proud. I feel like the Steve Jobs of handshakes, because this handshake is revolutionary. My friend Ian frequently tells me how him and his buddies now do it in Canton.

Imagine if I could successfully have all of Ada to do sprinkles, then there's no doubt that I can get all of, if not majority, of Ohio to do it too. It may be wishful thinking but, I've come this far I might as well keep trying. 


  1. I'll have to think about teaching my friends at home how to do sprinkles. Not sure if I want to commit to doing that all the time, but I know it would make you proud. I'm also going to have to watch this movie Do The Right Thing now so I know where you got this.

  2. Ya know, I've watched you do sprinkles before and had no clue what you were doing. It's definitely caught on around campus because I've watched people outside of your fraternity do it and even saw someone show another person how to do it in my marketing class. Now that I know about sprinkles, I feel like you need to do a follow up blog about sprinkling etiquette. I'm personally afraid that I wouldn't do it at the correct time and I really don't want to be labelled a sprinkles abuser.

    1. YES to a sprinkles etiquette blog. I love that idea.
