Sunday, October 13, 2013

Never Say Never

Last year when the app Snapchat came out everyone constantly told me, "You have to download Snapchat" but I always refused. The reason why is, contrary to popular belief, I'm not much of a people person 90 percent of the time. I usually go out of my way to not talk to people, which is why I always have headphones on and take very complex routes to go to the simplest of places. So I always thought to myself, "If I don't want to talk to talk to most people, why would I want to see how many weird faces you can make?" But, it wasn't until Gibby persuaded me to download it over the summer did I slowly but surely get addicted. 

Before I downloaded Snapchat I was perfectly content with "stealing" people's phones and snapchatting from there. Now I am often caught snapchatting myself. 

My new goal in life is to make sure my two best and oldest friends in the world, Ricky and Shanice, get in my best friends section. I just need my current ones to stop snapchatting me as much. 


  1. Ahha! That's why you never Snapchat me back. I really feel the love Darnell. You used to Snapchat more than anyone I know, but now you're trying to influence your "best friends" list. I'm crushed.

  2. I could not help but laugh after reading your post, Darnell. I can't help but wonder if you've ever gone out of your way to avoid saying hi to me, because we both know I would go out of my way to say hi to you! I'm glad you slowly got into Snapchat. Never know if you like something until you try it!

  3. I agree with Megan on wondering whether or not you've gone out of your way to avoid speaking to me, but I feel that this cannot be true because every time you see me I am pleasantly greeted with a raspy PRINGLE coming from your mouth! I think that I almost expect it from you when I see you and if you didn't say it that I may even be disappointed. However, knowing now that there is a challenge to get certain people in your best friends list on Snapchat, I may have to influence your need to try harder that way you become more and more of a people person!

  4. I loved this post. I would have never thought that you weren't a "people person"! I also think it's a great goal to get your best friends on your "best firneds" Snapchat list! Being introverted is never a problem, but getting to know people is one of the best things that life has to offer!!
