Monday, October 21, 2013

Lighting Up Awareness

This year at ONU's Homecoming my fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, held our seventh annual Balloon Glow. This year was my third year being apart of the fraternity's biggest philanthropy event of the year but, this year was the first time I ever had to live tweet it. Since this was for the latest assignment in my Social Media class I would've chose any event during Homecoming weekend but, since I was going to be at Balloon Glow anyway (and probably tweeting) I figured I might as well choose this one.

I like to think that I did a pretty good job live tweeting for the first time, but I wouldn't be telling the honest to God truth if I say I didn't find it a little difficult. The obvious things got in the way, being in charge of the music and the difficulties that came with it (i.e. the balloon pilots wanting to hear a song with "a beat"), seeing people I know and being completely distracted, and most of all remembering to press "Tweet". I often do this with text messages, however with so many distractions it was hard to remember to tweet about something and to finish it.

The things that went well, I think, were my pictures (not to toot my own horn but, yeah they're pretty good) and, thanks to Julie, I didn't forget the hash tag "ONUHC13". That was actually my biggest concern since I never use a hash tag, unless I'm bored or mocking sorority girls with Gibby, so I constantly reminded myself "use the hash tag" or "I don't care how cold it is, use that hash tag before you put your phone and hands away". And best of all I got a retweet too!

Overall, the event was a blast, the hot cider was to die for, and this years t-shirt is hands down my favorite of them all. Now I can officially check live tweeting Balloon Glow off of my bucket list.
More about ONU and this event can be seen on my Storify account! Username dsample13

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