Monday, October 28, 2013

Up Til Dawn

This past Friday, a couple of brothers and myself participated in the Up Til Dawn event at Kinghorn. At the event we stayed up from midnight until 6:00 am, the approximate time the sun would start to rise, all for awareness of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. While there we did different activities to help us stay awake through out the night.

The first event was zumba, which I was uber (yes, I said uber) excited about because I've always wanted to go to Zeta Zumba during Pink Week, but always had to work. It turned out to be pretty fun, and just like a live version of dancing games from Wii or Kinnect. I also came to the conclusion that women are the target audience for zumba due to the excessive sexy hip movements

Second we played a variety of "Minute to Win it" games in teams, which basically ended up being Sigeps versus Zetas since people started inching away after Zumba. After dominating those games, cosmic bowling (played with 2-liter soda bottles filled with water and glow sticks), cosmic four square, basketball, and an awesome fashion show we watched a presentation that summed up why we were there.

The presentation showed us that the event and all of its proceeds were for the St. Jude Children's Hospital, we learned what the hospital did for children through their research and advocacy. We raised money by receiving pledges and donations from people, which I believed to be another motivation to stay awake. My group, I believe, raised about $50 and even though that isn't much it's more than nothing. 

As my brother Keith frequently said through out the night, "Guys, this is such a good thing we're doing here." and I completely agree. I was going to be up all night anyway, doing God knows what, so why not be up for a good cause? Like I said, that $50 may not be much, but if it could save just one child's life then I did something right.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you were able to attend the Up Til Dawn event last weekend. Had I not been in your home city for PRSSA National Conference these past few days, I would have been right there beside you in Kinghorn.

    Last year, I participated in UTD's letter writing event, but it sounds like this year's fundraiser was much more successful. Getting students involved with energizing activities and showing videos to help them understand exactly how and who their helping is just one way to keep their interest in the cause even after the event is over.

    I'm proud of you and your brothers for taking the time to help out. Fraternities get a lot of flack, and it's reassuring to be able to see all of the good you men do for this campus and beyond.
