Saturday, October 19, 2013


One thing I love about my brothers is how open we can be with one another. Quite often my brother, Chem, and I hang out, do random shannigans, and just talk. Yesterday I turned to Chem and said to him, "You know, sometimes I just sit and think to myself, 'Man, I am really dumb'". Naturally Chem burst out into laughter for he was not expecting me to say that but, I was actually quite serious. At the end of each day, I think about all of the things that I do and say and think about just how ignorant I am.

Don't believe me? For example, one day Aggie says to us, "I'll need to let you go early because I have a meeting with the president." Let's stop right there, obviously it's President Dibiasio she's talking about but, for some reason in my head there was some confusion. Without thinking, I ask "Wait, Obama or Bibiasio?" Really, Darnell? Really? Who really thinks of that? Why in the world would that make sense at all? It's Ada, Obama probably doesn't even know Ada is in America let alone Ohio.

Here's another example, a few weeks ago, Chem and I are hanging out again, this time on our front porch, where I notice a ladybug. Once again, without thinking, I asked Chem, "Is there a such thing as a man bug?" There aren't enough words to describe the look on Chem's face of how dumbfounded he was by that question. I'm surprised he didn't yell at me for rant that I went on for 10 minutes on how sexest that was.

Those two examples are just the tip of the iceberg. Other not too bright things that range from forgetting to go to class (You know those situations where you just know there's something you had to do but forgot? Yeah it was one of those moments) to asking different people if Mother Goose was real before finally turning to the internet. Now when I think about the things that I do I also ask, "Am I really just not that smart or is this all still a cultural difference. 

Back in Philly, for the most part, everyone thinks like me. When I told a couple of my friends back at home the president story it all made sense to them but, it didn't make much sense to them. I've had friends in high school also forget to go to class and even friends in college, even though that one is rare. However, even though Phily is a big a city we all are pretty close minded individuals. I didn't know other places in the world, besides Philadelphia and Africa, exsisted until I was 5 and went to Delaware for the first time. We're so narrow minded that we view Philly as a state by referring to the tri-state area, Pennsylvania , New Jersey, and Delaware, as the "Philly Tri-state area", replacing Pennsylvania in that list. 

I know I can't blame Philly for my ignorance for ultimately it all falls on me but, I still like to think that it plays some type of role. In honestly I just wanted to vent and get that off my chest. 

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