Friday, October 11, 2013

Expect the Unexpected

In this weeks reading of the Real Time the author spoke stressed how no matter how great your crisis team may be, no organization or company can be prepared for the unexpected. This made me think of my fraternity's annual homecoming, Balloon Glow. Year after year we prepare for the event by setting up tables at mac, selling t-shirts, and sending out flyers to local companies.We also think about back up plans for in case the unexpected happens.

To ensure we have a successful event, we work together in a swift and diligent fashion. Our philanthropy chair and his volunteers form our main team for the event who assign people certain tasks. Some of the include sitting at the Mac, to sell t-shirts and get information about the event and cause out, and sending out the flyers to local businesses with more information. This ensures that the information gets out quickly, and it also shows that we the know the facts of our cause which can set the tone of the event.

Having a philanthropy chair gives us a spokesperson for the event, or a "face" if you will. This way people know who to contact for any questions and know whose in charge. People can contact him through his e-mail or cell number that is provided on the flyers or on the Facebook event page. This makes things easier because, everyone is on Facebook and it makes it easier to provide updates. This way if the event is cancelled, we can let everyone know from there.

This process usually works for us but, since we can not control things such as weather or power outages, we can only hope for the best. Just like companies and their crisis teams.

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