Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Livin' On a Prayer

Oh we're halfway there, half way through the semester that is, and I am definitely living on a prayer. At the halfway mark, I started thinking about my initial goal for myself at the beginning of the semester and I am both disappointed and proud of myself at the same dang time.

I'm disappointed in myself for obvious reasons, I slacked off a bit (and by a bit I mean a lot). I'm not where I imagined myself being at the beginning of the semester and I don't like it. As much as I want to blame this on the Government shutdown, unfortunately I can't and can only blame myself. However, I see where I went wrong with my goal and here are somethings that I'm planning on doing about it:

  • No more negotiating: Telling myself, "If I finish "this" I can go have fun and come back to start "that" later". NO. No more! Because later never comes until a day or two before everything is due. 
  • Use my planner: Just because I don't use my book bag anymore doesn't mean I have to stop using my planner too. For this PLAN to work I need to use my PLANNER. (See what I did there)
  • Take notes: This one isn't a big issue but I eventually get bored, space out, look at the clock, get mad at the time, then space out some more. That's kind of become a whole thing now and it needs to stop. ASAP.

I could go on forever but I'd eventually probably start to repeat myself. But, I did say that I was proud of myself because I'm not out yet, I'm still in the ball game. Most people who have the realization that they're screwing up when it's too late. The majority people don't realize it until they've already flunked out, and some of those people don't even notice it then. Me, I'm noticing it now therefore, I'm making the change right now. I mean it, I refuse to lose, I'm in to win.... That's all I have.


  1. I definitely know what you mean! I feel like I had set expectations coming into this semester, but none of them worked out exactly the way I had hoped. Getting a planner was one of the best decisions I made, though, so I highly recommend it to you. I was able to write down everything, and I would flip through my week when it started. If it looked like one specific day was full, I mentally try to break down the work so I'm not up the entire night before. Sadly, this planning approach doesn't always work out. Meaning, I think about it, but never really act upon it because I have the "negotiating" mentality you mentioned above. With the semester half way through, though, I do feel like I can make it to the end, and you can too!

  2. You're cracking me up with the living on a prayer and then blaming it on the government shutdown. I laughed out loud, which isn't good because I'm in class. What happened to your backpack?
    You're always good about taking notes in Dr. A's class! I know because I sit next to you and think about what a great student you are. You've got this! I'll leave you with the 2011 motto of my high school (that we all laughed at) "Finish Strong!"
