Thursday, October 24, 2013

My First Storify

After my first live tweeting experience I made a Storify of it! Check it Out!

Also, while I was tweeting I went to ONU's Twitter page to see what they were doing to promote not only Balloon Glow but also the entire Homecoming weekend. On Twitter there were only three tweets concerning Homecoming, including a retweet from a student. Facebook on the other hand had many posts, and pictures of the entire weekend. If figured that most of the alumni that Northern was targeting is on Facebook so they went out of their way on this medium.

Neglecting to use Twitter was a big no-no. Every book that we've read in class says not to do that. You want to expand your brand to all mediums and stay active in the conversation. The retweet they had of the student should've been one of MANY retweets. On my timeline I saw numerous Homecoming tweets ranging from being stressed and just wanting to have fun all the way to their excitement to see all of the alumni wo were returning. However, they did do the right thing by relying on Facebook, since 1 in every 9 people have a Facebook so building that community was probably a lot more likely than Twitter. But at the same time the average age of a Twitter user is 35 years old, which is probably the average age of our almuni.

Twitter is a great way to communicate with journalists, and everyone in my class live tweeting was technically a journalist, not professional but a journalist to say the least. It's the best way to communicate with them because it's talking to them in real time. And with the use of the hash tag, #ONUHC13, it made it easy to find out information about Homecoming and what was going on. Hopefully, ONU starts to use Twitter soon because the best time to get into real time is NOW.

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