Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pinkies up!

Last week I made a post about a handshake that I started called "sprinkles". Now that people know what sprinkles is, people want to know when it's appropriate to use sprinkles. With that being said I give the dos and donts of sprinkles.

When it comes to using sprinkles there isn't much etiquette, for the most part, it's much like anytime you would use it as if it were a high five or a fist bump. Sprinkles is primarily used for greetings and goodbyes however, here are some situations you would use sprinkles and how to use it:

While walking:
- If you're walking and someone you know is approaching you it doesn't matter if you're the top or bottom sprinkle. Verbal communication isn't necessary nor do you stop walking. 
- If you're walking and the person you see is across the street be sure the person sees you before initiating sprinkles. (There's nothing more embarrassing than a one person sprinkle)
- If you're walking and the person you see is driving, same rules apply. 
- When walking and you see someone you know sitting you're automatically top sprinkle. 

While sitting:
- If you're in class sitting down and you're friend walks, whether they sit near your or not, sprinkles is called for (long distance sprinkles is the best sprinkles). The person to initiate is the bottom sprinkle. 
- If you're sitting down and you're buddy is walking by, since you're sitting down you're bottom sprinkle. Basically the opposite of when walking. 

In a Group:
- The person who initiates sprinkles must be bottom sprinkle. Those in the group respond with the standard top sprinkle. 
- If just three people the bottom sprinkle uses both hands as initiation and the responders sprinkles back with just one hand. 

Random situations:
- If you're friend rips someone a new one, says something funny, or has a good  comeback sprinkles is necessary. Initiate with bottom sprinkles. 
- When someone says something that you completely agree with (you're picking up what they're putting down) you initiate as the top sprinkles. 
- In competitive situations it's a free for all. You can do sprinkles from the bottom, top, left, right, diagonally, a 22 degree acute angle, a 126 degree obtuse angle, close up, long distance, or you can even do a combination of handshakes and fist bumps, as long as it ends with sprinkles. 

That is the gist of the etiquette of sprinkles. Hopefully it makes sense to everyone. If not just follow my lead if you ever see me doing it. It'll come to make sense real soon. 

1 comment:

  1. This is the greatest thing I have ever read. I wanted to give you sprinkles for the part about the 22 degree angle. Thank you for writing this, it's been very helpful and I can't wait to put these rules to use.
