Friday, October 18, 2013

Burned Bridges

Recently on Twitter there was a popular twitter account that went by the name "Stuff on a Rabbit" and I immediately started to lose friends and unfollow people. It wasn't because this page some how hacked my account but, because people thought it would be funny to retweet me pictures from this account. Most people would love or find some sort of amusement from that but not me because I have the BIGGEST fear of rabbits. The second someone would retweet something from that page I'd delete it, then unfollow the person and rip them a new one when I see them in person.

I am often asked why an almost 21 year old man is afraid of rabbits and there are three reasons for that. The first reason is before I made my first trip to Delaware for the first time, when I was five, I had never seen a rabbit before, so you can imagine my surprise the first I layed eyes on it. The first thing I thought was "Is that a mutant squirrel?!" Needless to say, I freaked out immediately. 

My second reason is thanks to Disney Channel, the original one not the one that kids suffer through now. This was around Halloween time and this commercial comes on with, what appears to be, just a normal rabbit morphs into the creepiest demon thing I ever seen in my entire life. That set the tone for my fear for the rest of my life. The third reason, however, is still quite the mystery to me. The Easter Bunny and myself have been mortal enemies for as long as I can remember. I remember being a baby running from him in the mall, screaming my head off in fear. The reactions to this day have not changed to this day. 

Some say that my is irrational which makes sense since leporiphobia, the fear of rabbits, is the abnormal, debilitating, and often paralyzing fear of evil mutant bunny rabbits. I truly believe that rabbits were placed on this Earth by the Devil himself. Anyone who finds them cute can not be trust, they're under the spell. Even showing me a picture of a rabbit will send me into a panic attack. I refuse to go into my friend Julie's room because, her roommate has a picture with the demonic little creature. I get anxiety just thinking about it. 

Thanks to holidays like Easter bunnies are all over the place and falsely loved since the thing has nothing to do with Easter. And with social media we can't escape thanks to advertisements and Twitter pages. Everyone thinks we're all going to die from a zombie appocolypse but, no. Mark my words, it will be because of rabbits and if you think I'm crazy then you can not take refuge in my anti- rabbit home with me when the day comes.  

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