Saturday, September 28, 2013


The other night I went to Columbus with a couple brothers to a Kid Cudi concert. I'm not much of a fan  of Kid Cudi, although Mr. Rager is a fantastic song and I was praying he sung it, the reason I went was for Tyler, the Creator. Tyler, the Creator is a popular Indie rapper who is known for his dark and provocative lyrics and song topics. Some of the topics of his songs are about his father issues and others are as dark as rape. Some said that he was scary or weird, when his first album Bastard came out, but, it was his video and song Yonkers that got his career started.

I for one have always been a fan of Tyler and afyer watching an interveiw of him on Youtube the other day talking about his style of rap.

The interview raises a lot of good points, starting with why he raps about what he raps about. We all have thought about dark things, things we wouldn't admit to our best of friends but, when it's said out loud people think of you as the one in the wrong. After listening to his first album, Bastard, I knew Tyler had a complex mind and was different from other rappers however, it was his sophomore album, Goblin, that I understood Tyler even more. My favorite lyrics from the opening song, appropriately named "Goblin", are "They claim the sh*t I say is just wrong. like nobody jad those really dark thoughts when alone. I'm just a teenager who admits he's suicide prone, my life is doing pretty good so that date is postponed." Those lyrics sum up his entire style, he raps about what he thinks and doesn't care. He's the same age as me, with a better life needless to say, so all he wants to do is be great. 

He also spoke on progression and how he wouldn't necessarily rap about the same things. This interview took place a couple years ago but, you can see that he meant that because there is a big difference in style and lyrics from his first album from his third album, Wolf.  

I may have been able to read between the lines and know exactly what Tyler is talking about in his music but, for those who don't, Youtube is a great tool for clarification. As one of the top social media outlets, Youtube is able provide viewers with videos like these for people who want to know more. A song could sum it up but, this interview said it all and then some. 

To be as young as he is, Tyler, the Creator is a musical genius and will soon receive more VMA, obtain his grammy, and make it mainstream just like he wants to be. All he needs is to be given a chance.

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