Sunday, September 8, 2013

Taking Over The World

With this being my junior year in college I spent the entire summer anticipating how productive I would be this semester. But as usual as the school year quickly approached I found more ways as to why I shouldn’t be as productive and find the easy way out. That’s surprisingly worked out the last four semesters by just “winging” it and going out of my way to find the easiest way possible to accomplish a task. Needless to say it’s both a perk and one of my biggest flaws, however when it comes to this school year I will stay on top of myself like white one rice.

But lets think realistically for a second now, I know for a fact that there will be times when my laziness will over power my diligence and I will find the easiest way out of any given situation, with the exception of school. If I have reading that needs to be done I will no long just skim the pages, if I have a rubric I will not just see what I have to do to just meet expectations, I am going to read every word on every page, I will exceed expectations and then some. 

Now I know talk is cheap and I can talk crap now and not practice what I preach but I came with a game plan. In order to stay on top of myself I have been using my planner like it's going out of style, I think not just once, or twice, heck not even three times, but four times before making decisions between my social life and school work, weekends not included. I even have my most stubborn friends help me by forcing me to do work, doing work with me, or buying me food, and lets be real whose going to pass that up? 

So come May 2014 I’m going to look back on this school year and think to myself, “I did it. This was my year. I’m proud of myself.” And all of that starts now. I have success in my sights, nothing less, and there’s no looking back now. 

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