Sunday, September 29, 2013

Last Part of Share This!

This past summer I worked in a pizza shop as a line cook, and it was the worst the job I ever had in my entire life. It was always hot, the hours were ridiculous, and, to top it off, the boss was a real pain. He was short tempered, close minded, and as stubborn as they come. Everything that was done there was either done, backwards and the most difficult way possible or some way that was never heard of. And on top of that his prizes were outragous, $2.25 for a slice of pizza? Seriously?

He eventually hired an older Italian man, who has been in the pizza business for over 30 years, to help him out around the kitchen. Old head, yeah that's what I called him, often made suggestions to how the food should be made because, if you're charging people $7.00 for a cheesesteak from a ragedy pizza shop, it better be the best cheesesteak they've ever had in their lives. Of course our boss rejects all suggestions and later started to lose his customers. The chapter on internal communications in the last part of Share This made me think of that.

Your social engagements with your employees is very important in both the traditional and social media world. Being able to socialize with your employees, on a respectable level, and treat them well they'll being easier to work with. It was difficult working for my boss because the social engagement wasn't present. He didn't work well with others and it reflected in his work ethic and how he talked to us. Collaboration also makes a successful a workforce. Working together can turn a 30 minute job in and ten minute job with the help of others. There were times when my boss would take over my job completely making his job more difficult and me with nothing to do.

Above all listening to your employees is essential is a good employee-employer relationship, and if you're listening if you have to prove it. It doesn't mean anything to an employee if you don't act. Taking suggestions is apart of listening, so if you don't actually take suggestions into consideration, or at least attempt to, then your employees relationships wont be good. Good bosses makes employees enjoy their jobs a little bit more and make them actually willing to work. A good boss makes an employee feel like their working with the boss and not for them.

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