Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Million Dollar Man

In the reading of  Share This part two you learn how a business can succeed using social media through these six steps:

-Selecting Your Squad
-Choosing a Goal
-Start Listening
-Think Character and Content
-Integrate Your Outpost
-Measure What You Treasure

As I read through those steps my mind wondered as usual but, this time it was slightly relevant to the reading. I couldn't help but think about the That 70's Show where Fez daydreamed that his friends turned him into the Million Dollar man, aka the perfect man. Right off the back, yeah it sounds dumb but, hear me out first.

Selecting your squad demonstrated what parts of an organization tackle different issues that may be thrown at them. People having complaints about the product, for example, would be handled by customer service or public relations. On That 70's Show Hyde took care of Fez's coolness claiming to make him more "aloof". Choosing your goal, has the same concept for both the show and social media, you have to know where you want to take the changes the your making or what you're trying get people to fall for. According to the reading, if your business drive is "brand" and your social media goal  is to aware your customers, gain their attention, and build profiles. Just like Fez's goal was to make himself less needy so he can get the attention of a girl.

If you don't listen to the outside community you'll never know what it is you're doing right and what it is you're doing wrong. That why it's important to start listening. If Fez didn't listen to his girlfriend then he would've never wanted to change and his daydream, nine times out of ten, wouldn't have happened. That is also why it's important for companies to use social media, blogs, and forums as a fast easy way to receive feedback and give the feedback back. Being able to do that almost makes it feel like your communicating with another person face to face, bringing the human side of the business out, that's why it's important to think character and content. For Fez it was just bringing out more of what his girlfriend wanted out him, for a business it's going to be the public.

I didn't see it much in the last two, integrating your outpost, which is basically what social media you want to use out of the big four (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube) or measuring what you treasure. However I find it really interesting that I was able to draw those two connections. At this point I just hope that this isn't my overactive imagination only making sense in my head but out loud I make absolutely no sense.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this fully.
    1. give your girlfriend what she wants
    2. keep your publics/target audiences happy
    True in life, true in public relations. Fes always seems to get the prettiest girls. I always thought that was the funniest part of the show. If you're doing it right (like Fes apparently is) then you will get all the girls or in the case of an organization, loyal consumers who are happy with your brand.

    PS: did you know Fes stands for Foreign Exchange Student?
