Sunday, November 10, 2013

There's No Place Like Home

For those of you who didn't know I am from Philadelphia, West Philadelphia to be exact, born and raised, but the playground is not where I spent most of my days. I preferred to stay on the front step and let people flock to me. Anyway, if there is one thing I'm looking forward to more than my 21st birthday, which is November 13th so mark your calendars, is finally going back to Philly for the first time since the semester has started.

The closet I came to being in Philly is when Chem and I woke up one Saturday morning and decided to go to Pittsburgh just for the hell of it. But even then I was still at least six hours away. On a side note, it really bothers me that how far away Pittsburgh and Philly are. I know they're on opposite ends of the state, but six hours though? God could have did us a favor and made Pennsylvania just a tad bit smaller and give the rest of the state to Ohio, because lord knows Ohio needs it.

But back to business, every year when November hits my heart gets filled with more and more anxiety and excitement to finally return to the City of Brotherly Love. I can't wait to see my little wiener dog too, Mokito. He is the only animal in this world that I love equally as much as Meadowlark Lemon, every other animal falls short, way short, not even a measurement short.

Then, in respect to tradition, I'm heading straight to my best and oldest friend in the world house, Rick. Rick and I go all the way back to fourth grade and every time I come home he is the first friend I see when I get back and the last one I see before I leave. I love all of my friends equally, but Rick is the definition of a bro. Once we link back up we'll be like Rush Hour once again. Then I can go see Shanice, also my best friend and who I view as a sister, Deja, the Camilles', Onji, and the rest of my friends and family

Speaking of family, the biggest reason why I come home, to see my mommy, dad, and sister. Those three goofballs are the reasons why I work so hard and do what I do. Primarily my sister, not to say that I love her more than my parents because I love all three of them equally, I'm just closest with her and have the strongest connection. No matter how much she gets on my nerves, argues with me, and makes me want to strangle her, I can't wait to see that guber.

One thing I could never do is call Ada my home. I take the phrase, "Home is where your heart is," very seriously and as much as I love Ada and memories and friends I've made here, it'll never have my heart. Philadelphia has my heart and even though these next few weeks will be slow, it'll still be completely worth it once I finally make it home.

1 comment:

  1. First of all Mokito is very cute, but I'm not sure why he hates me and bites me when I see him. I'm excited for you for your birthday though! Can't wait to wish you a very happy one, only two more days! Also, I died at the Rush Hour thing.
