Friday, November 15, 2013

Black Jack

So it's finally happened, I finally turned 21. There's one thing that I noticed about turning 21, when people ask "How does it feel?" there's an actual feeling. Has anyone else been asked that question? The last 20 birthdays I hated that question because I always thought "What do you mean? I feel the same as I felt yesterday." But this year I felt different when I became a year older. I felt the satisfaction of being blessed to see the day that I turn 21, especially without getting an underage, and a headache that almost leaves you begging for death.

But anyway, I know if it weren't for my friends here my day of birth it wouldn't have been as great as it was. Two people specifically made it happen, Chem and Taylor. The two of them stayed by my side the entire night and put up with me being a diva and out of control and they showed no shame that they were associated with me. To them and everyone else who wished me happy birthday and celebrated with me I thank from the bottom of my heart.

Now it's officially safe to say that the streets of Ada are no longer safe with a 21 year old Darnell Sample walking around. So watch out y'all,  because this is just the quite before the storm.


  1. Chem and Taylor are keepers. I'm glad you had a good and safe birthday, wouldn't want anything else for Old Heart! And I believe I told you multiple times before you turned 21 that Ada would never be the same. So we will see what the next few weeks are like around here now that you're a grandpa.

  2. I'm happy you had a great 21st! I agree, you do feel different on your 21st birthday. It's a great feeling. I'm also happy you had a good time in Ada and your friends sounded like they were awesome to you!
