Sunday, November 10, 2013

It's Finally Happened

As some of you may remember from last week, I wrote a post about my Galaxy and iPhone and how I wanted to go back to my Galaxy so bad. Well, just a few short days later while doing laundry and rocking out to some music, my iPhone falls out of my pocket, still attached to my headphones though thankfully. However, I made the fatal mistake of trying to be cool and pick up the phone by the headphones wire. Just a few inches off of the ground, the headphone input jack disconnects from the phone causing it to fall face first on the concrete floor of my basement's laundry room and completely shatter the screen.

Initially I was happy because I could finally go back to using my Galaxy and have no worries about my phone not doing what I want it to do. I would get all of my notifications as fast as I could blink, including the notification that I look forward to everyday, iFunny. By the way, if you're a friend of mine who doesn't look at iFunny on a regular basis, I don't what you're doing with yourself and our friendship is now in question. There was so much joy running through me that I completely forgot that I pulled an all nighter that night and felt like I slept for days. That was until it hit me that there were things about the iPhone that I'll actually miss.

For one, this might sound a little weird, but the thing that I'll miss the most is the "Places I've Pooped" app. This app dropped a pin where ever I was showing that was where I used the the bathroom. I could share it with my friends, tweet it, Facebook it, the whole nine yards. I never shared the app, but if we talk everyday then you know all about it.

Other things I'll miss is face timing with my sister. Before coming to college my sister and I were inseparable and never spent more than a week apart from one another, and even though it's been three years we still haven't adjusted to the change. Now even though my front camera didn't work I could still see her so it worked out for me anyway. I'll also miss the use of emojis and the flash alert I got when I received notifications. Other than that, there's nothing else that I'll miss about the thing. I can now go back to using my social media outlets the way I loved to do it before. And even to further show my happiness, I wrote this post on the Blogger app on my Galaxy.

Good day, people.

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