Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mobile Blogging

Last week, and once before if I am not mistaken,  I mentioned that I wrote my blogs on my Galaxy phone out of excitement in getting my Galaxy back. Well, I would like to point out just how convenient it is. It's so convenient that I'm writing this blog on my phone as well. I can be anywhere and can just pull out my phone and begin to blog. Before I got the Blogger app on my phone I would depend on my god awful memory to remember what I wanted to blog about. Now I blog as soon as I think about it, because blogger is now in my pocket.

I think part of the reason I find this so amazing is because I know journalists and professional bloggers use their mobile devices to do their jobs. Reporters even use their iPhones to do news stories now. With the availability of iMovie and other video editing apps, camera lenses you can attach to the iPhone camera and special iPhone/iPod tripods make it all possible.

In the Broadcasting/Multimedia Journalism department we've begun doing that for our practicum class. If there's a small news story we want to do we can use an iPod touch to film it and it'll be little difference from if we used an actual camera.

Social media and technology is in fact a fast paced and ever changing, and now I get it. If you're not a believer take a look at how things were last year and how they are now and you just might be surprised.

1 comment:

  1. Darnell, I think its great that you can do your blogs whenever the mood strikes you or you come up with an idea. I didn't know there was a Blogger app. Therefore, I am quite excited to hear that there is because I am always thinking, "Oh, I need to write a blog!" and not being able to do one because I'm not home or don't have my computer with me. I think you make a great point about how fast paced and quickly changing social media and technology are!
