Sunday, November 10, 2013

Creeping To the Max

In this weeks reading of  Paine's Measure What Matters she spoke on measuring the things that you can't control. When I first started to read it I paused and thought about when my grandfather use to measure my height when I was a child. I like to think that that's remotely similar, but you can be the judge of that.

Paine told that the uncontrollable can be measured in five levels:

  1. Lurking
  2. Casual
  3. Active
  4. Committed 
  5. Loyalists

As creepy as the word lurking is, lurking would actually be the equivalence to liking something on Facebook or retweeting a tweet and never really going back to give it a second look. So it's needless to say that there isn't much loyalty involved there.

The definition of casual engagement relates a little bit to the term itself, this is where one would download a video from Vimeo, Daily Motion, or most likely YouTube or following someone on Twitter or Instagram. It's important to keep in mind and measure the ratio of new and repeat visitors since this is typically where the relationship ends.

If you're like me and keep up with iFunny on the daily basis, or Twitter or another social media outlet, then you are performing active engagement. This is where you actually participating and using the tool. If I'm on iFunny and I see a picture that I find just down right hilarious then I'll download it, and share with my friends, either through social media or face to face. 

One reason why Facebook took MySpace off of the map is because the people who registered and made an account with Facebook were more satisifed with what Facebook had to offer. This is what's called committed engagement.Through active engagement you obtain loyalists who not only are committed to you by favoring what you have and what you have to offer, but also being active on your sight and coming on the daily basis. So, again, it would be like me with iFunny. It's important to understand loyalty because it's cruciacl to know what people think about your site, organization, and/or product.

These five levels of engagement, and engagement in general, is important to measure because it helps to build relationships, protect and promote your brand which can help make your products, orginazations, site, and/or all around reputation.

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