Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Do the Creep

Okay, so has anyone else realized how creepy and annoying Facebook is getting? It's starting to remind me of that one family member, usually uncles, that no one is really fond of and everone has to keep an on at family togethers. Or maybe that's just my family, so try to put yourself in my shoes.

At first you could see who was online by seeing the green dot on your messenger list. Then came the ability to see how long ago they were online, but now things are out of hand. The other day when I was on the site on my laptop I could who was online and via what medium, mobile or web. So now the, "sorry I can only use Facebook on my computer" is no longer an option, but again that could be just me.

It also bothers me that people can now see that I saw their posts or message and also when. Again, another excuse is not out of the window further obligating me to respond to people I may not want to talk to to begin with at a faster pace, thanks for that Zuckerberg.

I'm now waiting on the day when people will not only see how many people view their page, but can also see who has and how many times each individual has done so. Soon after that you may start to see who viewed your posts and pictures,
whether the liked or commented on it or not.
I dont know how you guys feel, but Facebook just needs to calm down. Or go back to the way it used to be. Whichever is easier.

1 comment:

  1. I personally don't mind the changes that much, but I can understand why people would. They can be a bit weird and creepy at times for sure. They still have those strange prompts on the status bar, for instance, and I don't know who asked for those.
