Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Non-Profit Can't Run Without Profit!

Recently I was elected as VP of Alumni Relations in Sigep, hold the applause, and since taking the position I was thinking of ways we could reach out to older alumni.I took a break of thinking and read my final readings of Measure What Matters, and Chapter 13 caught my attention. Paine talked about how to measure for nonprofits, and the importance of keeping in touch with your community. Since the organization is nonprofit it runs mostly on goodwill and volunteerism, so not keeping in touch will with your constituencies you will shoot yourself in the foot.

This, in my opinion, is happening with Sigep and our alumni. We keep in touch with alumni who've graduated with the last five years, but what about the guys before them? The only time we see them is at Homecoming and most of them just complain about how things are and how things look and, "Back when I was here, blah blah blah." When speaking with most of them I can tell that it all comes from not being kept informed of what's going on. A lot of the men are in a position to donate to the house so we can fix the things that need to be fixed, but that can't be done if they're left in the dark.

Paine tells us the ways we have to communicate with our community, such as social media, can also shoot us in the foot. Using low to no cost tools to measure your data can be difficult to keep track of who is in your community, which can damage your accountability and metrics. In this day and age nonprofits have to almost operate as profits to get donations. But again not knowing who your target audience is will damage your accountability.

Since I see this similarity now I want to take my position and work with the rest of EC, executive council, and work on our communication and relationship with our alumni. So in another words I'm going for position of the year this year.

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