Sunday, December 8, 2013

Final Thoughts

As I sit here and write my final blog I must admit I'm both relieved and bummed about it, more so relieved let's be real. I've come so accustomed to having to blog every week that it went from homework to actually kind of fun. I got a kick out of reading other people's blogs as well. Seeing what's going on in their lives, reading everyone's different writing styles, and their opinions on different things, ranging from our class reading to what's going on in social media, was always my favorite part.

Those words, "my favorite part" I thought I would never say when it came to the blogs. Initially I thought it would be a hassle, 3 blogs every week for 13-14 weeks sounded unbearable. Now I'm considering either keeping this blog or making a new one, I mean why not?

I even recently went back and looked at my first blog post, expressing my goals for the semester and how I planned to make my ideal goals a reality. I know for a fact that I didn't reach all of my goals, however after I came to my senses halfway through the semester I know that I came damn close.

I'm proud of myself and everything that I've accomplished this semester. I gave my all and nothing less, even sometimes my grades or attitude doesn't show it. So in the case that I do not continue to blog, I leave you with this final post, kind of bringing everything full circle.

Until next time, friends.... Hopefully.


  1. Darnell, I have to say I couldn't agree more about the blogs! I used to think they were such a haste at the beginning, but honestly I had fun writing and reading the blogs by the end. Honestly, blogging is a great stress reliever. I didn't realize writing could calm me down as it did after writing some of my blogs. I enjoyed reading your blogs and hope you continue to pop in and write a few words in the future!

  2. Please keep up your blog! I love reading it. That's probably why I comment on your blog every week. You crack me up and I like to see what's going on with you because some weeks the only time I see you is in social media class.

  3. This semester feels like it's gone pretty fast. The blogs have definitely been more routine and bearable than I thought they might be, like you said. I have actually kind of enjoyed them, and starting another blog, like you mentioned, might be a good idea.
